Zain was still lazily leaning back in his chair, using his tail to keep himself and his seat from falling over. He was in the middle of typing profanity with his toes when the kid next to him spoke up. He couldn't help but laugh. [b]"You do know I know who you know who you are right? Even though no one else are in the know you know?"[/b] He said as he finished typing another line of curse words with his toes. [b]"Jacky boy you be one of the not so secret crazy people in here, like me. Difference being my crazy makes me fuck mothering awesome, yours makes you act like a old crazy British dude with a thing for hoes."[/b] He said as he leaned further back in his chair, causing it to only stand on two legs. [b]"Oh and when you say stuff like that you sound like the [I]I'm going to stab you in your sleep[/I] guy, that guy is not awesome crazy just crazy crazy."[/b] He said stretching. [b]"We get along yeah sure fine, but friends with stabby stabby guy? No no, I like my insides inside."[/b]