[URL=http://s1328.photobucket.com/user/Archangel110/media/superboy_by_anartistcalledred-d5c9qc7_zpsca0e5c2b.png.html][IMG]http://i1328.photobucket.com/albums/w535/Archangel110/superboy_by_anartistcalledred-d5c9qc7_zpsca0e5c2b.png[/IMG][/URL] [B]LexCorp Tower[/B] [B]Metropolis, New York[/B] Connor had hardly put the missile down when the entire associated press had gathered around him giving a mixture of praise and congratulations. As he looked around the crowd as he caught a glance of Clark, giving a silent nod in his direction. As he turned back to the rest of the crowd he found that Luthor had made his way through the crowd to stand before the Kryptonian teen. Begrudgingly Luthor offered up a pre-thought up speech in his head for just such an occasion. [I]"Well thank you Superboy, without you we would not have made it out alive." Luthor held his hand to shake hands with Connor, if only to save face in front of the press. Connor shot the billionaire a look that was a mixture of contempt and sarcasm. [B]"Well Lexy, if you hadn't shot missiles at the press conference then there wouldn't be a need for me, now would there?"[/B] Luthor's eyes narrowed at the teen's response, thinking of a thousand different things to say to him. With every camera aimed at him, however, he simply turned and walked away. With their source of noteworthy news taking his leave the full might of the Metropolis press descended upon and surrounded Luthor bombarding him with questions. As Connor began his flight home to the tower he caught the last bits of the conversation Luthor had with his personal body guard Mercy. [I]"....down to Section 6 and get those scientists on the NOWHERE project to lo...."[/I]