Serix nestled deeper into the corner where the chair met the wall as he listened to the human talk about the robot machines. He had hoped conversing with her would help him stay awake, but somehow her voice was only lulling him to closer to sleep. [i]Maybe if I keep her talking she won’t notice if I doze for a little bit,[/i] Serix thought, stifling another yawn. Although he knew it was an impractical idea. The chances that he could actually get away with it were slim to none. [b]“What makes you so interested in the robots?”[/b] the human asked from where she lay on the bed. [b]“Aren't they so much inferior to your people's technology?”[/b] She was taking another stab at insulting him. Unfortunately for her, he didn’t care about making a point of how much better the Lunairans were than the humans. Quite frankly, he didn’t have enough information to make that judgment, even if he wanted to. He smiled in response to her comment. “Sure,” Serix said. “But we never progressed our technology in a direction like that. We mainly focused on transportation, medication, and communication. We never experimented much in the ways of war. Our weapons might look scary, but they’re really not that complicated.” He paused. That was a thoughtless thing to say. Should he have given information like that away to a human? His mind was hazy with weariness, and he realized he didn’t have much of a filter right now. He needed to be more careful with what he said to her. “Nevermind,” Serix made a clumsily attempt to cover up his mistake. “Basically, I’m interested in your robots because my people never created anything like them.” He looked up at her. “What did they look like?”