"I wish humans could have studied more about medicines. Maybe that disease wouldn't have been so wide spread if they had. We might have been able to combat it and come up with a cure. But unfortunately, humans were all about war. They wanted to focus on the biggest and best weapons. Now look at us. All dead with nothing but some useless machines to tell about us." He looked like he could possibly be getting as tired as she was. Good. Maybe if he was tired he might not have the drive to kill her in her sleep if she were to actually doze off for a little bit. Who knew, maybe with how tired she was, he might be thinking the same thing about her as well. It was an amusing thought, but when she didn't linger on. Similar ideas for the moment or not, it didn't change the fact that he was out to kill her. Or bring her back to his people for them to dispose or experiment on her. Whichever came first. Either way, she shouldn't have been thinking about their similarities at the moment and she should have instead been searching for a way to escape. But...why was it she didn't feel the need to do so? Why was it she didn't really consider him a threat right now when all he had done since she met him is point a gun at her and tell her how easy it would be for him to exterminate her or take her in as a prisoner? She didn't know the answer to that question, but for some reason right now she didn't really consider him as much of a threat now than she had when she first met him. He just didn't seem dangerous to her . He seemed almost like her. Curious. Maybe a little on the rough side in defense. But not deadly. Whether her instinct on that was right or not she wasn't sure, but it was something to think on. "What did they look like?" She thought back to her time in that under ground and dimly lit hideaway that the robots had been stored in and continued, "It varied on the robot. Some were huge and bulky. Others were a little smaller and had a more sleek and rounded body for agility. Some where colorful. Others had no color at all. They were really a sight to see.There is really no way to explain them. You'd just have to see them to get what I'm talking about." Of course that was a rhetorical statement, because she didn't think he would ever want her to take him there. After all, what would an alien want with those robots? She shrugged and her eyes met his again, "If I had my choice, and if your kind hadn't come along, I probably would have ended up following in my father's footstep and working on those same robots. Maybe even building better ones with some awesome tech. I probably could now if I had the materials, but it wouldn't do any good if I did, so I just stayed away from the robotics storage."