"You want me to take you there?" Cassie asked, blinking in surprise as his demand of her leading him to where the robots were, "You have to realize, I haven't been there since I was a kid. They're probably all old and rusty by now." She yawned and shrugged, "But fine. I'll take you there." He seemed suddenly out of it, his thought wandering and for a moment she wondered what exactly it was he was thinking of and when she couldn't figure it out by just looking at him or thinking back to their earlier conversations, she gave up trying to figure it out, fairly sure he wouldn't tell her if she asked.Yawning again, she curled up more, wrapping hr blanket around her and sighed, "G'night." Then it was silent. Despite him saying he wouldn't shoot her in her sleep, it took her a long while to fall asleep, but when she had, she was out for the count, in a deep sleep. ... It was early the next morning when Cassie finally woke again and when she did, she had sat up and stretched, crawling out of bed and running her hands through her hair, in a sleepily haze for a moment. It wasn't until she walked down the plane aisle and saw the alien boy from the corner of her eyes and yelped, jumping backwards and stumbling over one of the seats and landing on her bottom in the aisle that she snapped out of her haze and blinked in surprise, suddenly remembering all that had happened the day before. She slowly and shakily got to her feet, trying to get her heart rate to calm down, "What a way to wake someone up. I need to work on waking up more alert." She brushed through her slightly messy blonde locks until they were smooth and not sticking up anymore as she went over to look out one of the plan windows again, "The storm stopped. We can head off to the robotics storage now." She went and grabbed a bottle of water to take with her and tossed one wordlessly to him as well. She wasn't sure if he would drink it or not, but it was his decisions and she figured she might as well offer him one, "The storage is actually in the city, in the basement of the tallest building. Not so much a hiding pace, but hey, it was something." Turning, she walked over to the plane door, her back to him as she spoke and went to open the door, "Come on, we have a long walk ahead of us."