It was strangely.....silent during their walk through the city toward the storage. In fact, it had been like this all this morning and last night when they had gone to bed. And it....worried her? Just what was he thinking to be so silent as he was? Had she said something to offend him? Maybe. Or maybe it was all her talk of the weaponry the humans had made that kept him silent. So many questions on this sudden quiet between them, yet she had a feeling if she asked hi what was wrong he either wouldn't tell her, or he would snap at her. It was none of her business after all. And so, she continued on down the road, when she heard him finally speak to her for the first time all morning. This made her turn to him in curiosity and listen to him speak. [b]“I’m glad,” [/b] When she turned around, he continued on, [b] “I’m glad not all of the humans died in that wretched Plague. I’m glad I got to meet one of your kind face to face.”[/b] His eyes mt hers once more, but this time, Cassie felt her heart race and her skin grow cold at the lack of emotions in those violet eyes of his. Somehow, she knew what was coming before he even spoke his next line and possibly the lat words she would ever hear, [b]“My only regret is that I’ll be the one to end your species.”[/b] She knew there was no chance of escaping this. She wouldn't be able to run or dodge what was coming. Instead, she stood there, her blue eyes wide and full of shock and betrayal as he shot the silencer, the blast hitting her straight in the chest. There was a gasp that escaped her lips when it hit and instantly she fell to the ground, and though it had instantly stopped her heart, she was still conscious of what she was feeling in those moments. Her chest hurt very badly. Her head had hit the ground, making it throb. And her lungs burned, feeling like someone was stabbing them with thousands of needles at once. It was a horrible feeling. And somehow, she knew this must be the beginning of death. The alien boy had shot her and now she would die. But, then why wasn't she gone yet? And why could she feel two warm fingers pressed against her neck, as well as someone leaning over her? She shouldn't be aware of that if she was dead or even dying, right? But then, something changed. Though her chest hurt, there was beat inside of it that released that pain for just a moment. Then another. Slowly the beating of her heart began and after just a few moments, a gasp of air entered her lips as her lungs began functioning once more. She had no idea what was going on, or why she was alive when she should obviously be dead, but whatever had caused this had saved her.It took a few long moments and more breaths before she blinked her eyes open, pain from her still slightly sore chest and lungs as well as her head spinning from when it had hit the cement. But, even if these thing were hurting, that didn't stop her from sitting up with a jerk and scrambling to her feet when she saw the alien crouching next to her, attempting to get away from him as quickly as she could to avoid another shot, and at the same time, had hit him, her fist connecting with his face. She didn't want to chance a second shot. One shot may have jut knocked her unconscious but another one might do even more permanent damage and she wasn't willing to risk sticking around to find out. Once she had made it to her feet, she began to take off running as quickly as she could, huffing as she tried to get her lungs back to breathing normally at the same time, something that was painful for her and also not working that well.