Serix felt a blinding pain explode across his jaw as the human’s fist connected. He fell back in a daze while she scrambled to her feet and took off running. He had to shake off the confusion though, because she was getting away. He stood up, staggering slightly, and then chased after her. He vaguely took notice that he had left his weapon lying on the ground, but it was too late to go back and grab it. Sprinting at full speed, it didn’t take him long to catch up with the human. He snatched at her arm and jerked her back, using his own knee to hit her in the back of her leg and cause hers to buckle. He twisted her arm behind her back to stop her from falling and also prevent her from getting away again. He was getting tired of chasing her down. With his free hand, he caught hold of her other wrist so she couldn't hit him again. His jaw still throbbed from the first punch. His mind was still full of questions. The entire situation they were in seemed impossible. She should have died back there. Yet here she was, very much alive and kicking. Had his Silencer malfunctioned? He was sure he had shot her straight in the heart. But that didn’t make sense either. Lunairan technology never failed unless it was intentionally sabotaged, and he was certain it had been left untouched the previous night. He tightened his grip on the human’s arm and pulled her closer. “How did you do that?” Serix hissed. His face was right next to hers as he kept her restrained. “How are you still alive?”