"Hmm.... Sometimes cynicism is the last refuge of the idealist. There are certainly evils in this world Alaira, and they need to be stopped. And many would believe that evil only needs to win once for everyone to lose... However." Meirin rested her head on her knees and looked at the night sky. There were a lot of stars out tonight. "We may be few, and our enemies many, yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then the world shall yet know hope. That's another saying one of my master's taught me. It wouldn't be the first time people were forced under the brutal oppression of evil Alaira, and it won't be the last time someone rises up and stops them. And you're that kind of person Alaira. You would do what's right and keep on fighting, taking on that pain, and creating hope." "I... I may keep a cool head, but it's like you said before. I'm hesitant, I put too much thought into my actions, start to question myself. I have so much ability, but I have no idea what I'm using it for. And that scares me, because I feel like I'm wasted potential. At least you know what you want and are willing to go all out to get it. You stop bad guys the only way you know how, and for better or worse, you get things done. I could never do that. I'd spend too much time thinking about what I need to do rather than doing it." -------------------------------------------------- Alaira looked to the sky as well, taking in her words. The stars were, in a sense, her closest friend. Her mother always told her they were a gift from Leehna, a record of the deeds of men and women long dead. She wondered if her mother was up there somewhere. She looked down again, her voice low. [b]"...And then, when my enemies lie broken at my feet, and when nobody remains to challenge us, what then? What do we do with the wild beast when it's survived its purpose?"[/b] She asked, idly clenching her fist. ---------------------------------------- Meirin laughed. It started as a giggle, than a stiffed chuckle, before turning to laughter. "That would imply that our work is ever done Alaira. It's never done. For people like us... It's only over in death. But, to answer your question: You take what peace you get and learn to master that beast within you. Maybe you go find new challenges to face. Find something worth fighting for, something worth living for, and something that you'd be happy to die for." Meirin looked down from the stars and was a bit sullen, despite the smile that was still on her face. "There's more to life than fighting. But it's one of the greatest thrills you can have in life. So, you go out and find reasons to fight. Ones that, hopefully, makes the world a bit of a better place. Otherwise... You'd never have a shortage of enemies." ------------------------------------- Alaira trembled, her face in hands. It wasn't that simple. [b]"F-fighting's all I've got... and it's different for me... The feeling of [i]ending[/i] them, tearing them to pieces, the crunch of bones, the feeling of warm blood... that's my strength. This bloodlust is all that keeps me going, and is the only reason I've survived this long. My master told me he'd never seen anyone as vicious as me... What happens if I just... snap? What do I do then? How do I protect Ly- everyone from... Me?"[/b] She was going to say something else, but she caught herself... ----------------------------------- "You strengthen and hone your ability Alaira. Right now, you're like raw iron. Strong, enduring but blunt and unrefined. So much can be done with you, but all you need is someone to help shape you. Rage... And fury, these aren't evil things. It's what empowers the best of us. Right now, it seems that your worst opponent isn't a person, but yourself. You're not evil Alaira, at worse you're stupid. And even than, you're clever enough to survive. And you're certainly strong enough to defeat whatever darkness is eating away at you from the inside. And if you don't think so... Than you think about Lyn, and wonder if you want to let your dark side hurt her. Or you come to me, and let me remind you about all the good that you've done, despite your faults. You don't need to fight alone Alaira. There are plenty of people who'd be more than willing to fight alongside you. I certainly would." ---------------------------------------- She nodded, stretching a bit as she stood up, loosening her arm. [b]"...You talk too much. We should have had you bore those bandits to death."[/b] She said, smirking as she looked over her shoulder. [b]"C'mon, we should head back..."[/b] ---------------------------------------- Pouting playfully Meirin stood up with Alaira. "And you need to talk to us more. But yeah, let's head on in. Oh! One more thing." Meirin reached around her neck and took off the amulet that she had brought a while back. "Lyn had an eye for this. I brought it myself and hoped that maybe I could use it to convince her to stay safe. However... I think the safest place for her to be is with you. So hold onto this, and when we make it back to the college, I may even let you keep it. The merchants I brought it from says it protects from demonic influence, but I have my doubts." Meirin handed the amulet to the half-elf. Alaira didn't seem the type to wear jewelry, but if nothing else she could at least hold onto it as a gift. --------------------------------------- Alaira caught the amulet, looking it over... She scoffed. [b]"There ain't no better protection from demons then a good blade... or not fighting demons."[/b] She said. She slid it into a belt pouch, shrugging. [b]"Eh, looks pretty though."[/b] She hopped down, a bit of Aeromancy cushioning the fall. She stood there, waiting for the monkling to get down. ---------------------------------------- Meirin followed after Alaira, simply hopping off the roof. She slowed her fall by pressing her weight against the wall, sliding down. Wordlessly Meirin motioned towards the inn and walked away.