[b]Mokyou Uchiha[/b] Just call me Momotan or Moka Moka sighed in exhaustion, [b]"All the way from here, Onee-chan has to drag me! I don't see any adventure and neither do I find it fun and woaah!!!!! woaah!!"[/b] Moka entered the scene to where a boy hits a girl who appears to be Leiko. [b]"Hey! Why the heck did you hit Leiko, its not natural for a boy to hit a girl, ya know.. But then again this is the world of ninja. Whatever."[/b] Moka wears a one pieced version of a skirt and t-shirt combined, she wears fishnets on her legs and at her back is the Uchiha Clan symbol. [b]"You don't have to be so harsh, first impressions can mean a lot but anyway, I appreciate your effort for toughening Leiko up."[/b] Moka looks at Leiko briefly and then to her sister. [b]"Nee-chan! Please don't tell me you're in charge... AND! Am I the only non Jinchuuriki here? What's the point of me tagging along anyways? HMPH![/b] A disrespectful assertion, Moka has always been like this with big sister Izumi.