[i]Why is it when I want to say something, I get interrupted....[/i] Better yet play it cool, these are just kids, well traditional ninja kids. Izumi didn't wither seeing the Kaguya boy hit her in the head, she understood how he rolls and think it is for the best. Furthermore a ninja would need to tough and not emotionally conflicted; it is like teaching your children differentiate the wrong from right, and raising them to be fine adults, it is so meaningful. In comes Momotan or recently, she came up with another one of her nicknames, Moka. She breathes heavily and started talking. [b]"Leiko! Glad to see my cute student here!"[/b] She laughed happily yet it looks creepy and then she stopped. [b]"I won't scold the Kaguya boy for the time being, we don't want a large commotion to happen now don't we? Just stay put and wait for the rest and Leiko, to address your question. I got the permission from Lord Hokage, I am here as an instructor for the Genin and Momotan, what part of punctuality did you not understand?.[/b] She ignores Momotan's impulse. [b]"In that case, the game we're gonna play is a friendly spar.[/b]