Knives. What exactly had he been expecting? Of course it would be some sort of sharp object; those were effective, after all. But he had asked for it, so now it was his problem. He sucked in his breath as he waited and closed his eyes right before the impact. [i]Maledetta, this is going to sting something awful![/i] A few drastically increased heartbeats later, he felt himself knocked back way further than a human his size probably should have been. He was right: It did sting horribly, but as he fell to the ground, he could already feel a huge difference. Upon opening his eyes, he could see both knives sticking out of his chest, a lot bigger than he thought he had seen while they were airborne. Of course, his perspective always changed whenever he shrank to the size of a rag doll. The simplified figure of Felice stood up with some difficulty to its full height of around eight inches and winced slightly as he pulled the blades from his chest. He took a moment to examine them before walking halfway back to Roxy and flipping them around to hand back to her as if nothing had happened.