"Typical..." Felice sighed and thought, 'when does an enigmatic character ever answer any simple questions?' Felice was inclined to ignore the girl in general since she was calling them fools, but not willing to answer any of their questions. But perhaps she could put some answers together if she just thought about what the girl had just told them. "There was obviously a tone of "Better then thou" in this girl's voice when she answered Anice, and she also sounded experienced when she answered Ryan. Combined with "It's a perfect offer for fools like us" and the fact she at least seems to knows more of Qubus then the rest of us when she answered that other boy, she might already be working for Qubus....' Felice managed to pull herself out of her thoughts to catch some of the conversation between the rest of the girls. 'So her name is Julia...and she transferred yesterday, the same day we heard Qubus...shes waiting on someone. Perhaps Qubus...then that might mean-' Felice was pulled out of her thoughts again by Anice coming over to her and whispering to her. "I don't think this is a prank." She responded. "Unless we all imagined Qubus or someone knows how to put voices inside of our heads, it's safe to assume that this is real. I don't know how safe this all is anymore...But that Julia girl. I think shes with Qubus. I think shes a magical knight. I also think the reason she transferred here yesterday, is because Qubus wanted her to be with us, to help us maybe...or test us." Felice sighed. "Of course, all I'm going on is hunches and trying to read in between the lines. I could be completely wrong but I guess we'll find out soon...I'm still going to go for it. My wish I mean. I want to give this a shot."