Cassie, although running had seemed like the best idea at the time, began thinking that maybe running hadn't been the smartest choice. And it proved that thought to be true when she heard the alien's footsteps quickly approaching her and soon he had snatched at her arm, jerking her back, as well as knocking her in the back of the leg and holding her restrained with her arm behind her back. Maybe this situation would have ended up differently if she would have tried just fighting him. Possibly even stealing his weapon. Would she have been able to get away if she had? She wasn't sure, but it didn't matter now because here she was, in his grasp and when she went to punch him again that was easily stopped by him grabbing her wrist. He was making sure she wasn't going to get away and she positively hated him for it at this moment. When he hissed his words at her, she glared up at him, a defiant look in her eyes. Apparently he hadn't gotten what she had said about personal space because his face was right next to herself as he spoke almost menacingly to her. She was going to fix that real quick because when he got done asking her that, she spit in his face. She took that moment to try and break free from his grasp, but apparently he was determined to not have her run away this time and he kept hold of her, much to her annoyance and frustration. She glared at him once again and this snapped at him, hissing her own words in his face, "I'm not telling you anything! You had y trust before, but guess what? You lost it the moment you shot that Silencer!" She shook her head, "You really are just like the others. A bloodthirsty killer. You care about no one but yourself. You and all the other aliens are just the same. And that may do your species well now. You may do well for a little while more, but that kind of attitude is going to be the end of your species. I just wish I would be there to watch the fall." She took a jab at him that way, though she knew, just because the Silencer hadn't killed her like he had thought, even she had thought, there were still other ways, older fashioned ways, to kill her. Choking her. A knife to the throat. And many other ways he could possibly kill her. And if he didn't kill her immediately, she would have to deal with the after shock of being shot. Her chest was still sore and her lungs were still stinging, but the pain was slowly going away with every minute that passed. She would probably be pain free from it in an hour or so, for now she would have to deal with it. "So much for the glory of being the one to finish off my species. Bet you were hoping to drag my body back to your people and show it off like a trophy. Too bad."