No, I understand relative to a ship, when it's close by, or relative to a station or somesuch. But a planet is a giant round ball- there is no spot that is the top of the world, and the bottom of the world. Saying that something is directly above a planet is just saying it's in orbit, and that's about it. If you have one station, it'll be fine, since that's the only one around, but if Duck has many stations, as one might know based on his dozens of defense stations at the Colony of New Condia, then that's about as accurate as, again, saying there's a book in the library. I'm not saying make actual coordinates- I was just suggesting that one just says "Sending the coordinates" instead of "Directly above that planet over there." I was suggesting using the word 'coordinates', and simply explained why one might want to use them over using relative 2-D directions for everything. And if one liked the idea of 4-D coordinates, then they could say, here's a list of fourth dimensional coordinates, do not stray or you'll be taken for hostile. And if we were going with generic 'anime' style combat, then we'd have regular fighter jets that turn into robots and beat the crap out of each other in space and on the ground. And use weapons that are about as realistically effective as a rubber sword against a real one.