Leiko listened closely to what Ryu was explaining to her, she never imagined that he would be so open to tell her about it's forging proces. A small smile appeared on her face as he mentioned that several high level seals were used in the proces, which was sort of to be expected, but it still interested her greatly. FĂșinjutsu was her favored field after all, and if she could learn how the seals were used in the forging proces, she might be able to make a better blade then the one she was using. Not that is it was bad or anything, but not really legend material either. "Usually a blade is named after a great event or heroic feat. For example how the blade Raikiri got it's name, or the Kusanagi blade. There is no use to worry about it for now, it will all be made clear in the future." Leiko replied to Ryu's comment about naming the blade. Leiko bit her lip in order to make sure she didn't give a verbal sign that she was hurt by the smack to her head with the blade. She also quickly learned why she couldn't touch the sword, if the contact was any longer then it was, she was sure she would have received some minor burns. She softly rubbed the spot on her head where the blade hit, while she sent a bone chilling glare to ryu. Not that he was wrong about her disrepecting the new woman, but she had expected some form of retatiation or scolding from the woman, not Ryu. "Who said I need friends to begin with." Leiko weakly replied, afterall Ryu was right and she couldn't really think of anything else after his scolding. [I]"So she is here aswell, although that was to be expected I guess since her sister is here aswell. Oh well, I doubt things will be dull around here now."[/I] Leiko thought to herself as Mokyou walked up to them. "Like I need to be toughend up." She soffed at Mokyou's comment. "I was thinking the same thing, I heard that this was supposed to be a jinchuuriki training camp. But then again I understand that it might be good for you to train alongside skilled individuals for a change." She continued jokingly, she didn't want to insult Mokyou too much, especially with her sister here aswell. [I]"Why didn't she get mad at me for that comment I made, not that I don't mind. Since that smack with a sword was enough. Maybe she realised her error in ignoring me, so she is trying to be nice."[/I] Leiko thought to herself as Izumi started talking. "And you are our only sensei? I was actually thinking they might send more then one person to teach us." She replied to Izumi's statement about why she was here. It suprised Leiko that neither of two arrivals introduced themselfs yet, not that it was needed for Leiko's sake since she knew them. But she doubted either Ryu or the boy with the strawhat knew them, besides that they were from Konoha and that the youn woman was a jounin. "Oh really now, and do you think your strong enough to do just that." Leiko smirked as Ryu started talking about knocking her of her pedestal. He might be right that she was a bit more arrogant then what was good for her, but then again she had alot to be proud of. She came from a prestegious clan, she was the clan heir, she is one of the stronger genin in Konoha (in her opinion atleast) and her skills in fĂșinjutsu were rather good (if she said so herself). [I]"Maybe there is more to that boy then first meets the eye. Looks like he might be more then just mucles, and actually have some sort of brain"[/I] Leiko thought to herself with a smile, as Ryu quickly deduced from what clan Izumi and Mokyou came from. "I am also up for some sparring, that is if you are up for the challenge of knocking me of my pedestal as you have put it." Leiko said with a confident smirk as she turned to face Ryu once more, who had allready taken out his blade again in preparation for the spar.