Your life has been pretty normal, nothing unusual. Well, no, that’s not entirely true. Recently you’ve started to see small movements in the shadows, something you play off as simply your imagination. But also, you started to see things in your dreams. People that you don’t know, small glimpses into their lives. But dreams are dreams and life goes on. But what will happen when monsters step out of the shadows, the world around you starts to change, and power that you didn’t know you had reveals itself? [center]The truth is, you are in a coma.[/center] The world you live in is a dream world, though its not one that is entirely constructed by you, as others share it with you. You don’t realize this though as you have forgotten everything from before. The monsters from the shadows are nightmares, the people you see in your dreams are your own memories, and the powers are your only protection from the nightmares. Your world is now changing as you and those like you try to figure out what is going while protecting yourselves from the monsters. [center]You don’t look like you.[/center] The person you are now in this dream world is not the same as the person you are when awake. You may look similar, or perhaps you look radically different. You could lead a similar life style, or perhaps your new life style is nothing like your old. But the people around you aren’t the same and nothing from your real life memories could be mistaken for your dream life’s memories. [center]Your overall goal: [/center] Your first overall goal is to collect “Treasures”, slivers of memories that take shape in objects, ranging from small letters and favored objects from your waking life, to even rarer Treasures like video tapes containing a short memory and diary entries on important events on your life. The more of these you find, the closer to the truth you’ll get which is essential to waking up. But the closer you get, the stronger the monsters will get, but each treasure contributes to your power, making you stronger with each one you find. The second overall goal is to face your own personal demon that is keeping you there. You can only face it after you learn the truth and have remembered your life. It is a combination of your fears and bad traits. [center]Who can you count on?[/center] The others that are like you for one, but there is also another who will lend you some aid. A smiling, enigmatic boy, who goes by Fred, who’s powers are much greater then your own. Besides showing you how to fight the monsters, offering hints, and freeing you from The Room, he won’t do much for you. He tells you this is your own struggle, from fighting the monsters to finding the truth, and he can only do so much for you. Other then that, you’re on your own. [center]Are you afraid of these monsters?[/center] The monsters are at first vague forms that come from the shadows, but the more Treasures you find, the more their appearance and powers will be affected by your waking self’s fears. But they can’t kill you, and they can’t end your dream if they defeat you. Instead, if you’re captured by them, they’ll take you to “The Room” Which is an inescapable room where your fears will torture you. On your own, there is no way, and you will have to wait for Fred to find you and rescue you. [center]So…are you ready to Awaken?[/center] (also looking for a co-gm for this if anyone is interested)