Akira is willingly pulled through the market until he allows himself to walk alongside Allura with their hands still intertwined. It didn't take long for them to come to a vendor of meats. The smell had grown progressively stronger as they approached until they had finally came to be before it. As Allura inquired to Akira how much they should get the first question that sprung naturally to mind was. "How far's the next town, or village from here?" His tone and expression seemed very much well practised as though it was something he'd ask everyday. "For the amount we need lays within this knowledge." "Well now." The vendor addresses Akira's question. "That depends entirely which way you pair are headed." "We're something of the adventuring sort, although our true goal lies to the north we're open to whichever route seems the most wise." "In that case, I'd advise you head west if you want to remain near civilization and well walked trade routes. The next town that way is usually two days..." "Well then that's not so bad eh?" Akira asks passing Allura a smile. "That's two days by horse back, otherwise you're looking closer to a week." The fact that the supposed 'next town' was a weeks travel away seemed somewhat strange to Akira, especially one supposedly on a well walked trade route. 'He's lying' Volkran insisted in Akira's head 'Allow me to handle this...' Akira grips Allura's hand hard as his eyes flick to a red colour. He stands staring at the vendor for a moment, looking the man in the eyes. "Hey are you ok? You don't look so well." The vendor queried, upon hearing which Akira shut his eyes, and upon opening them they had returned to normal, his grip on Allura's hand softens down once more. "What of the village to the east?" Akira asked and the vendor gave him a strange look. "For a stranger to this area you seem to know your way around." "Sure there's a village to the east only a day away by foot but..." The vendor shook his head. "Listen kids you don't want to go that way." "Why not what's out that way?" "Well the forest on the edge of this town continues to the east along the route to the next town, there's a crypt about halfway. People that have come to this town from that direction often tell stories of what they've seen coming out of that place." Akira looks to Allura and just softly says loud enough for her to hear "That actually might be worth heading out." Before raising his voice once more for the vendor to hear him. "I understand your concern, and knowing of trade routes you probably know better than I do on how much of this meat we'll need per day of travelling... Give us enough for three days supplies." The vendor shook his head before turning and getting the cuts of meat that had been requested by Allura area. "You're making a mistake kid, no matter how much that merchants paying you to go to that place" Akira listened to these words from the vendor though didn't enquire about them, another lead worth checking it would seem, two birds with one stone. Akira paid the vendor with the required amount of gold before taking the wrapped meat with his free hand and tugging Allura softly to indicate that they were making a move once more. "You kids be careful what ever you choose to do!" the vendor called out as the pair left. Akira shook his head before looking to Allura. "Heh... how they little they know, all thinking we're still so young. Well I suppose there's at least one gift from being what we are." Akira looked up the street in the direction they were heading seeing the familiar sign of a tavern, he began leading Allura toward it.