Felice smiled a little as well when Ancia smiled at her. in all the time she had known Ancia, she had never really seen her smile. But the smile didn't last to long and Felice's own smile went away as she started to go over what they knew again to answer her questions. "Well if there is someone over Qubus that opens up quite a few more questions. Already theres the question of if Qubus is powerful enough to magically grant wishes, why does she need our magic? And if there was someone even more powerful then her, why do they need us. The magical abilities we're supposed to have awakened in us might be more powerful then them if we train and that's why we're all young and around the same age...or we might be cannon fodder and that's why they're recruiting a bunch of us all at one time so that we might last longer." Felice sighed, "I don't know enough though to really continue on that line of thought." So Felice turned her attention to Marie and Sofia. "Well the first thing that catches my attention is how they act to one another. It's obvious that Marie and Sofia know each other.Also now that I think about it, I think I've seen those two around the school before. I don't think they know Julia that well, if at all really. They both agree that she transferred yesterday, and it doesn't sound like they met her before then. Also Marie and Sofia had plans to meet up here together, Sofia seemed surprised to see Julia. The last thing is, Julia is trying to intimidate Marie, and Marie's shock looks genuine.It's quite possible that the three of them are acting, that they all really know each other and are putting on an act. But that begs the question of why they would do that?" Felice closed her eyes and thought some more. "I do have one theory. It doesn't answer if they know each other though....But it might answer why Qubus isn't here. Julia calling us fools, not answering our questions, trying to scare us...I think shes trying to scare the weaker willed of us out before Qubus gets here. That's why Qubus hasn't arrived yet, Julia isn't finished with us." Felice nodded and opened her eyes. "We just have to keep our resolve up and then we might finally get some more answers."