[hider=York][img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/f/2013/077/8/7/sci_fi_character_2_by_fonteart-d5ygiy3.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] York Morgan [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Alignment:[/b] Wanted [b]Weapon Preference:[/b] Heavy, long ranged weapons [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/363/5/e/dark_nova__m290_defense_cannon_by_breandan_ociarrai-d35zk00.jpg] The Anti-Matter Particle Cannon (AMP Cannon for short) - an experimental weapon York stole from a top-secret weapon research facilty. It fires streams of anti-matter, annihilating all matter it comes in contact with. The annihilation effect causes a powerful energy burst - an explosion. It can only be fire once every 10 minutes, during which it actives it's venting mode. The vents release bright white smoke, which can give away York's position. The weapon is extremely precise over long distances, thanks to being an energy weapon. The stream emits a high-pitched sound, similar to screeching, as well as bright white beam coming from York's location. It cannot be concealed, though York has a suitcase designed for it, to make it at least a bit concealed while he moves through public areas. Spectre Stealth System - A suit capable of making York nearly invisible for short periods of time. It is solar powered, and it takes a few hours of being in direct sunlight for it to recharge fully. A fully charged SSS lasts for about an hour, indefinitely in direct sunlight. Movement, especially sudden, interferes with cloaking, and lessens the intensity of cloaking. It can also activated to create an illusion of clothing, hiding the fact that he's wearing armor. It takes a lot less energy in "Incognito" mode. [b]Personality:[/b] The best way to describe him would be "batshit insane". All he cares about is his reputation, or more likely - his notoriety. He likes danger, he craves it. Most of the things he has done in life, including the theft of AMP Cannon, were so he just because "he could". Though reckless, York is not stupid, and will not attempt which he has not planned down to perfection. Due to the lack of social interactions during his life, he isn't very good at socialising, becomes nervous, etc. York also isn't trustworthy, and will even compromise people close to him, as long as he gains something from that. [b]Bio:[/b] York's talent to be sneaky has been noticed since he was a teen. First, he went to join the militia, though his talents in stealth and infiltration were underappreciated. So he started out as a mercenary thief, and the Spectre Stealth System was one of his first purchases in the black market with the money he earned, a sort of investment for the future. He made sure to take the toughest jobs, until he learned of of "impenetrable" research and weapons development facility, said to house an experimental bleeding - edge weapon. Developed by a crew of multi-racial scientists and engineers, it was supposed to change warfare, once it is complete. Against all odds, he managed to steal the weapon, and destroy the facility while testing it out. Years of work, as well as trillions of funds gone, along with the great minds that developed the weapon.... That set the entire galaxy on the AMP Cannon, and it's current "owner" - York.[/hider] Sorry for the delay!