Sofia moved in front of Marie, who was still reeling from Julia's harsh words, and said: "Hey, what's the big idea? She hasn't done anything to you. Why are you threatening her like this?" She was visibly infuriated with the mysterious girl. Julia stood there like nothing was happening around her. "It was a warning," she simply said, causing Sofia's cheeks to turn red with anger. [quote=rusty4297] "Sorry, but the most foolish here is the one trying to convince others not to join you and help. You've got people here willing to become allies to you, and the first thing you do is call us fools, then basically tell us to leave if we value our friends and family? Do you regret what you've become?" [/quote] While at first Julia didn't seem to react at all to your words, your finishing question caused her to blink. "Sometimes I do," she answered. "However, I have a promise to keep, and thus I will hold on to this frail hope of mine." She made a glance at Marie as she said those words. [quote=Gisk] "So," he asked, wanting to clarify, "Are you a magic knight already? Can you tell us about it instead of being cryptic?" [/quote] The cloaked girl was about to pull something from under her cloak when a voice suddenly rang out in the distance. "Hold it right there!" An older girl wearing a yellow costume swung from a nearby rooftop using what appeared to be a yellow ribbon and jumped between Julia and Sofia. She wore a very stylish costume consisting of a short, yellow skirt lined with brown, brown corset, white shirt and a beret with a tuft of fur and a bright yellow jewel shaped like a star as an accessory. The girl's blond hair was styled into a pair of spirals that came out as looking very regal, yet also carefree due to their short length. You were surprised not only by her appearance, but also by the fact that Qubus, the mysterious creature who was the reason you all came to this meeting, was riding on her shoulder. "No..." Julia quickly whispered. "Well, I've never seen you before. You aren't from round these parts?" "You could say that," Julia responded with her usual cold tone. She was obviously tensed up by the older girl's presence. She took a quick look at the others, and then back to the blonde girl. "I have nothing more to say," she said and turned around. "You're going to leave? Just like that? And we were just getting to start to know each other," the girl in yellow said. Julia jumped to the edge of the rooftop. She took one last look at Marie, and then she jumped. You looked down into the street, but found no signs of her. It was as if she disappeared into thin air. "Sorry about that, I was worried that she was about to attack you for a second there," The blonde girl said as a bright light suddenly consumed her and she was suddenly wearing regular clothes: a white jacket and a yellow skirt lined with orange. "What just happened?" Marie said, still trying to grasp at the events that just unfolded. "Well, for starters, she was being rude and creepy for no apparent reason, that's for sure." Sofia said, obviously missing the point. "You're safe now, so no worries. I'm Dora Hartmann, a Magic Knight," the blonde girl said, and made a curtsy. "Pleased to meet you." "Excuse me for my untimely arrival," Qubus said telepathically. "I had a very urgent meeting to attend to."