Hi I'm Garrit, I've been rping forever and I write lengthy prosy stuff with well thought out deep characters populating rp worlds that I'm very comfortable building with you. I've also written these ads so many times now that I'm a little lazy :0 . So, I'll just link you some stuff of mine, including a writing sample in lieu of a lengthier introduction. http://garritrpsalot.tumblr.com http://ghostinside.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=1190 Okay!!! I'm terrible... because I normally hate canon rps, but... I just binged on the wolf among us (and also read Fables years ago) and now I really want to rp a bigby character. I feel all your judging and I deserve it. Now write prosy stuff with me so I can get my werewolf, hardboiled detective feels off my chest, and who knows maybe we'll make something tooottally awesome together. I'm very easy going and clearly open to different levels of commitment on this meme like feel. Please contact me through PM or email or chat as I will not be checking this thread. garritforster@gmail.com aim: storage701@yahoo.com skype: garrit forster