[b]"There will be more teachers coming, Leiko.[/b] She looks at them briefly with eye contact, closing her eyes in a second only to open it again. A few illusions projected by sharingan genjutsu would do but they are kids after all, not normal kids but kids that soon to become weapons of mass destruction, even so Izumi has to go easy on them. Izumi. [b] "Oh yes, you guys would work together as a team. I do call restraints here. First and foremost, neither of you are allowed to turn into your beast form, that is if you can. Secondly, if the first rule applies I have no choice but to trap you in a sharingan genjutsu, isn't that why we're once thought to be a clan of darkness, Kaguya-boy?"[/b] Figuratively addressed to Ryu's question which sounds creepy but cool in anyway. Knowing how easy cake would it be since it was Momotan and Leiko, easy come easy go to take advantage of it. She expects to see the capabilities of that Kaguya boy. Izumi appears behind them quick ignoring Momotan and focused more on Ryu and Leiko. Izumi learnt dual wielding when she was under the tutelage of Lord Hokage and her bodyguard days although she prefer using brass knuckles, she likes to play Ryu and Leiko's forte in this situation. Moving in a fast speed, she kicked Ryu and Leiko in a small distance so she can focus on them. [b]"Thirdly, I am now allowed to use sharingan and while fighting let's have some fun![/b] She smiled energetically getting herself off guard as she willingly hugs Leiko and play with her face [b]"You're just too cute Leiko-nyan![/b] Just when things are about to get serious. Izumi cuts it down with her being cute heels over for Leiko, it was pun intended purpose on her account. Little do they know that a clone was hiding the moment when Izumi moved fast. A clone performed with no handseals.