"Suit yourself." Cassie sad with a shrug and when he didn't take her offered hand, instead using one of the nearby chairs to stand up, she walked over to sit in the seat across from him, crossing her arms. She looked out the window for a moment, seeming to be in thought before moving her gaze back to him, shrugging, "If you mean before your people came here, things on earth were....peaceful I suppose. One or two wars around the world, but here in the city everything was just busy. No one really payed attention to the wars going on in other countries expect for the government. It was almost like we were in out own little world." She sighed, "As for when your people came....Well, I can't tell you most of what was going on during that time. My parents had kept me pretty shielded from a lot that was going on. As you can assume since my father worked for the government, we were one of the first to know about the invasion when it came. And my father had made sure to get me and my mother home. in my home we had a hide away below the house. That's were my parents put me. My father tried getting my mother to go in there as well but..." She paused, thinking about that night. Her parents had been arguing. Something about 'sticking to the plan' and that they would 'be more hesitant from the shock of seeing someone like her helping a him'. Her father yelled at her, she screamed at him, then they had gotten quiet and her father spoke softly to her. She remember the tears n her mother's violet eyes as she came into the hideaway to kiss Castiel goodbye and her father's pain filled eyes as he did the same. Then, the darkness of the hideaway, the loud sounds form the house and screams of her father and mother as gunshots rang in the air. She closed her eyes tightly at the memory, taking a deep breath, before she opened them and continued, "My mother wouldn't go in the hideaway with me. They both were killed by your kind. My uncle came and found me the next day. Your kind left not too long after the invasion and my uncle took care of me during the plague. He died when I was fourteen, and I've been on my own ever since." She shrugged and looked back to him, "You're turn. What's it been like all this time on your end?"