Cassie listened to him speak about his own life on his ship. It seemed like a rather...boring life. Just training, studying, and eating. She didn't think should could ever live a life like that. It seemed like such a restrained way of life. And then he talked about a few of the ships having been destroyed in the spreading of the plague. She nodded at hearing that, "I remember hearing something about that on the news radio after it all went down. My uncle, he was a big military buff always kept his radio tuned into the news to hear updates of the things going on outside out hideaway. It was how we stayed safe and knew when to go out and when to stay hidden. He was really smart like that. If it weren't for the plague he probably would have survived this long and be here with me." She sighed, leaning her head back against her seat as well, "This's been so....useless. We humans weren't so bad. I mean, of course there were some exceptions, bad humans who would have tried to kill some of your kind, but....I'm sure we would have eventually allowed your kind here. We might have been able to even help each other. You know, us help your kind with mechanics and yours help us with medicines. Or something like that." She rested her elbow against the armrest of her seat and rested her cheek in her hand as well, a soft sigh escaping her once more, "But....I guess that's just my naive nature at work. Things never go so smoothly with anything you do. I just.....I guess I wish it could have ended up like that." She looked back to him, her eyes meeting his as she spoke, "So, other than being obviously faster than us humans and more durable, what other differences are there between your kind and humans?"