It interested Serix that the human thought the same way he did about the war. Maybe there were others who had more power that could have wanted peace. They could have prevented the human genocide. Instead, the warmongers had their way and annihilated their rivals to make room for the Lunairans on Earth. The part of him that respected the higher powers rebuked him for such treacherous thoughts. He was supposed to have faith in his leaders to do what was best for his people. But lately, he was beginning to think the higher powers were keeping too many secrets. How was he supposed to trust them if they weren’t giving him all the facts? [b]“So,”[/b] the human said. Serix could see the curiosity in her eyes. [b]“Other than being obviously faster than us humans and more durable, what other differences are there between your kind and humans?”[/b] He had to think about that one. He knew his people had heightened physical capabilities compared to the humans, but apart from that… “I’m not really sure,” Serix shrugged. “I don’t know much about humans. I can make a few guesses, though.” He narrowed his eyes in thought and studied the human’s face. “You don’t have luminescent eyes, so I believe we can see better than you in the dark.” He paused again. “From what you said yesterday, humans have a wider variety of physical traits in their gene pool than we do. It’s very interesting.” He tilted his head slightly, looking at her golden hair. “You also have different morals than we do. If I were in your position, I would have tried to escape or kill me a number of times by now. Your quickness to forgive is something I’ve never seen before.” “Let’s see…” Serix paused again. “I can only think of one other thing at the moment. I’m not sure if this is a difference or not because, as I said, I’m not all that familiar with humans. If it’s not something we share then I don’t know if it will even work, but I’ll try it anyways.” He focused on the human’s face, his pupils visibly dilating until his violet irises retracted to only thin rings around them. [i]We can communicate directly with each other through our minds,[/i] Serix thought to her. [i]With words and images. We can even share memories or dreams if they are vivid enough.[/i] He blinked once and his eyes returned to their normal state, “Did you hear me?”