It was a possibility that he might be able to see better than her in the dark. She could understand that with his glowing eye probably lighting up his vision, "That's interesting. We can probably test that theory in we end up in another store again." That was a half joke of course, thinking back to how they had first met, or well, when he had first kidnapped her essentially, "Humans don't have very good eyesight in the first place, so I wouldn't be surprised if yours did out do ours." As she sat there and he looked at her hair, she shrugged and twirled one of her long golden locks around her fingers, smiling, "It makes things very interesting," She after a moment frowned slightly in thought as she sat there, "Though, honestly, it came with a lot of.....bad things as well. You see, in the past, our different traits cause a lot of hatred between humans. Especially about the shades of skin. Some people were not as pale as I am. The shades of skin differed from probably about as pale as me to having skin that was dark brown. It caused wars and caused people to get killed. Strange thing, isn't it? To be killed for your looks?" She shook her head, "Even sometimes hair color could be demeaning. Apparently those with blond hair were considered dumb and useless. And those with red hair were could I say this...more likely to e together with the opposite sex?" That was the nice way of putting it anyway, "But that was years and years ago. By the time I was born all that had passed and things such as skin and hair color couldn't matter less." The alien continued to try and think of more that was different between them and she leaned forward curious to see what he would say. But then he said he would try something and his eyes changed. It was a scary thing to her at first. His pupils dilated and then, suddenly, she was hearing his voice in her head. This made her jump and lean back away from him in shock, a small squeak of surprise escaping her lips. Finally he left her mind and she blinked in surprise at him, slowly nodding, her eyes still wide a little, "Y-yeah, I heard is something humans definitely can not do. I've never heard of anyone being able to do such a thing." She thought for a moment. Was that something her other had been able to do? Surely it had to have been. And f her mother could have done it, could she? She surely had never tried and she felt right now wasn't the time to try, especially since she had just told him humans couldn't do that and him seeing her trying to do so might raise questions. So, instead she leaned forward again, a smile on her face, really interested now to see just what other 'gifts' these aliens had, "Is that the only thing you can do or is there more?"