Double-taking in surprise at Ethan's query, Steph's own smile grew into a grin as she looked down at the 2 moons on her page. "Yeah! Just Oblivion and Skyrim though. I love those games, they're just so... big. If you know what I mean." She said, then chuckled nervously. Roleplay games were her favourite, Elder Scrolls closely followed by the Mass Effect series. It gave her a chance to be someone else in a better world - while not having to Disconnect. "I was tempted to place a troll or something in the background, or maybe a dragon... but the teacher's started to notice the more obvious stuff like that." She said, then her smile turned back to Ethan. "I'm impressed you spotted it - do you play them a lot?" She asked, her eyes still on his as the bus lurched to a final stop. They were at the school already - the journey had been surprisingly fast while talking with Ethan.