When he grinned like that and asked her if what she had asked for was a challenge, Cassie actually laughed. Not one of her sarcastic laughs, or even one of her more quiet ones. This one was a happy laugh, something that didn’t happen very often with her since she had lost her parents and the plague had started killing, “That is definitely a challenge. Let’s see what you can do, Alien Boy.” She commented with her own grin, leaning forward as his pupils dilated again and soon he was in her mind once more. She had to admit, it was a strange feeling to have someone in her mind like this. Not in the sense that she was feeling trespassed on in the very place no one should be, but more in the sense like the connection was supposed to be stronger, yet had yet to reach its full potential. Like the connection could go both ways, but her own mind just couldn’t reach across to his. It was something to contemplate, but not now. Now she just wanted to what exactly he could do with this ability of his. She nodded when he stated he was going to show her some images and soon the first one was in her mind. It was very beautiful and reminded her much of Earth before the invasion. She was sure there were still some places like that here on Earth, but the paths to those places were so overgrown by now it would probably be very difficult to find them. But, maybe one day she would. If she didn’t get killed by his people first that was. But she pushed that thought away from now and they moved on to the next image. The next image made her frown. That beautiful land he had shown her before was no more and in its place was a wasteland with toxic waters and poisonous flowers that roots spread over grey dirt, ruining the planet. It was so different from how the land used to be, and she couldn’t help but wonder what could have caused all of that to happen? How did the waters get to be that way? And where had those evil plants come from? All mysteries that, if she could guess, neither of them would ever know. Soon the images went away and she blinked. She had a kind of fuzzy feeling in her head for split second, maybe just from the sudden disconnection of their minds, but it was quick passing and soon she was back to normal. She shrugged when he asked how she felt, “I feel fine. I don’t think t hurt me or anything. It was pretty cool actually. But…..those images you showed me….it….was very sad. How could something so amazing turn into something so…..dark?” This was a hypothetical question of course, since neither of them knew the answer to that. She leaned back a little, looking up at him, “Did you ever get to be there? On the planet? Or were you born on the ship?”