[img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NCGpdwTiAuA/TihhBTfvgAI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/ZRZqKVKZ31g/s1600/natebethpicfinal2web.png[/img] Hello, I'm T.N and I am 24 years old. I'm looking for a partner to help me create a world, and play an adventure through it. You will be part DM and mostly player in a medieval world of monsters, magic, heroes and heroines. I shall be mostly DM and may play a hireling or such along the way as needed. We will start in a small village somewhere and will create the world out from there. I shall 'play' as the enemies you'll fight, the people you'll encounter, but you ill have some control over the who, what, and why of them. Hope that all makes sense. Any questions please do feel free to ask. I look forward to creating something wonderful with you.