It had been a long day, and a somewhat longer journey. A small group was travelling towards the meeting spot on what would appear to be moving mounds of a sand. Upon closer inspection, complaints could be heard. Though they were not the complaints of the younger member of the group as one might expect. "Geez... Natori... What the..." Natori's older brother, a jonin charged with escorting him, whined as he tried to remain atop the quickly moving sand pile. It had been made just a bit too small. The other jonin was silent and watching calmly sitting perfectly atop his mound of sand. "You were both slowing us down. Do what he does and you'll be fine." Natori responded after a brief moment. "Do what he d... You little... You're doing this on purpose!" The older shinobi barked. The look on Natori's face was serious as he turned his gaze away from his "older brother" and soon a small snicker could be heard as his seriousness broke for a moment. "Was that a snicker?! I KNEW IT!" His brother growled as they approached their destination. This would go on for a bit before Natori actually made his brother's sand bigger. It was quiet for a time after that. The three were mostly silent until they arrived at the meeting place. "Welp. Looks like our job protecting you is done." Natori's brother said as they hopped to their feet and the sand returned to its place in his gourds. Natori clicked his tongue in response. "What?! Why'd you click your tongue?" His older brother barked prompting a chuckle from the other jonin who'd otherwise been quiet. "You too?" He asked the shinobi before turning back to natori. "Listen Na-kun. Try to be safe. Don't cause trouble... Make a friend or two. And come back safe." The older brother got a little more serious as he knelt before his brother and place his hands on the young man's shoulders. Natori sighed. "I know. And stop calling me Na-kun." He responded before hugging his brother. "Get home safe. And be quick. Father will worry." He added as he turned to join the group. Now that his escorts were gone he was devoid of people he knew. He couldn't be sure who he could trust. He couldn't be sure who would be friendly. He sighed once again. This was not going to be his idea of a good experience. Natori stopped for a moment as he came to see a group. Two people were standing around not doing much as three sparred. One was presumably a jonin and the other two most likely genin like him. [i]'Jinchuki?'[/i] He thought as he got closer. He was for the most part silent opting not to disturb anyone. And he wasn't really one to intiate conversation. Not anymore at least.