Evelin had been so shocked by the monsters attack on Samuel that if he hadn’t pushed her along she most likely would still be frozen in terror. The motion though pulled her from it, and in seconds she was pressed against the wall with him before her while she listened to his instructions. [I] Just what is he planning?[/i] she questioned. The next few minutes passed in a frenzied blur, her small frame being pulled along as the duo made a mad dash for shelter. Before she knew it she was ushered into an unfamiliar room and the door was slammed shut behind them. Evelin’s entire body was shaking, so much so that her knees gave out from under her and she hit the ground harshly. She didn’t react to the dull pain that came from her contact with the floor, her eyes screwing tight as she tried to calm herself. Her breathing was practically sporadic, uneven and panicky, as her lungs gulped down oxygen thirstily. Finally after several moments the pattern evened out, her body relaxing as she took nice even breaths. That’s when she finally opened her eyes, looking around at her surroundings curiously. How is it that this could be the safest place away from those monsters? Surprisingly, even though the room was quite dark Evelin could see almost clearly and so she took the liberty of glancing about. Her gaze was pulled back to Samuel though, drawn back by the feeling of eyes on her, and she caught his gaze. Her lips parted momentarily, planning on mentioning how he was practically staring at her, but she closed them when she remembered she had done the same not long before. “Are you ok? I think that beast might have gotten a good swipe at your back…” she inquires, scooting closer with a worried look on her face. She would hate it if he was injured badly because of her.