Lucinda slowed to a stop, watching with confused eyes as the fauns disappeared and retreated. “Go ahead and run!!” she yells victoriously. Her victory was short lived though as a rumbling roar vibrated through the room. Something was coming and whatever it was didn’t sound good. The shape shifter braced herself for an attack, eyes locked on the door that was mere feet away. She hadn’t expected to be thrown across the room however. A scream left her lips as she fell through the air, her breath catching in her throat as she collided with the marble. Lucy’s body convulsed, her lungs forcing up a mouthful of blood which, if she hadn’t rolled over, most likely would have choked her. For a few moments the woman merely heaved up blood, the iron taste coating her tongue as she tried to get herself together. [i]What the hell was that?[/i] she questioned, finally getting back on her feet. Her eyes roamed the room, locking onto man and his weapon. It seemed the creature was going after Doc. Lucinda forced herself to move, wanting to stop the creature before it could strike again, but as she ran towards them the pain from her previous landing started to rear its ugly head. She kept moving though, only to blink in confusion as Doc threw the sword like a spear. A vicious and angry roar sounded as the sword hit the ground, the blade now dripping with a small amount of blood. It seemed they nicked it and when she looked over at where the creature had been she could make out a faint gash of red floating in the air. In seconds it disappeared, becoming invisible like the creature itself. From the looks of it the creature only paused for a moment before again slithering towards Doc, leaving the sword forgotten behind it. The shape-shifter let her right arm go back to her usual flesh covered limb and as she passed the blade she pulled it out of the marble and kept running with its hilt tightly gripped in her hands. [i] I should probably get this back to Doc.[/i] she thought, meaning to do just that once he was close enough to catch it. Then she’d help him fight the beast.