Angelo was amused by the guy that started rapping, badly Angelo might add and laughed a little saying hi before the other one showed up apparently being the 2 tails which meant she was a jinjurikie also so Angelo started to believe it when the raikage said that he would be going to a came for people with Angelo's unique talent. Angelo sighed watching and when the jonin tried to talk to him he waved slightly before the fight with the other two genin started. As much as Angelo wanted to stop the fight he just didn't have the energy to do it after the journey here all the way from the hidden cloud village so he simply watched seeing the other jinjurikie join them eventually. Something or someone must have been waiting for everyone cause as soon as the last jinjurikie came into the area the ground started to shake with a tremor causing all the birds in the trees to scatter and run. Angelo immediately got out his needles in case it was some sort of enemy but instead the waterfall behind them started to split itself in two showing a large door behind the waterfall itself. [i] secret passage behind the waterfall, one of the oldest tricks in the book[/i] Angelo thought grinning a little and the door started to open up and it was a tunnel with lights along the way showing the right way to go. Right now Angelo believed that the jonin among them would lead them inside the cave to get to their so called camp. Inside deep in the cave their would be a giant temple of stone ancient and old. Standing at the entrance to said temple were masters of all things ninja. ninjustu instructor, genjustsu instructor, finjustsu instructor and everything imbetween all looking nearly as old as the temple itself well except for the women who used their chakra to make themselves look younger then they actually are but that wasn't a bad thing considering...