[quote=Enalais] You guys forgot Benny i know it's kinda implied that the courier killed him but if he didn't Benny's in possession of the chip and Yes man and can make a vegas with the tops tribe in charge. [/quote] When it comes to the choices in regards to Benny there's only four. Kill him, fight him in the arena, crucify him, or free him. In three of these four situations he dies and the Legion pretty much pats The Courier on the back and he sets off to destroy or reboot the Securitron army under The Fort. If Benny were to survive because The Courier freed him from Caesar - at which point he no longer has the chip in the first place - then the Legion would have attacked the Courier in offense. Which means that he either would have died being dog-piled be Praetorian and Caesar, or Caesar and the Praetorian Guards all die. In this case, both options are incorrect since I wrote The Courier is killed in The Divide by Ulysses and Caesar ultimately passes away from his tumor after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. But let's say someone did manage to free Benny if he got crucified, though the circumstances are difficult to imagine; not even House wanted him back. And if Benny were to be freed he would no longer have the Chip in any case. So if returned to Vegas, found House dead, and even managed to get to Yes Man to take control he wouldn't have a terribly high amount of power. The Securitron Army under the Fort would be inoperable or destroyed without the Platinum chip, and the range of the Securitrons would be greatly limited to the New Vegas area with Benny being locked out of the signal booster in the power-station outside of Helios One. The Platinum Chip itself would be deep in the highly hostile Divide, inaccessible to Securitrons normally. As well the deadly and toxic environment of The Divide would most likely kill anyone who goes in to retrieve New Vegas' Checkov's Gun, it's too deep in and probably too deeply buried under rock and rubble and The Courier's rotting front pocket. That's provided it hasn't been straight-up destroyed. So if Benny were to manage to get back to power he wouldn't be all that powerful. Especially without House's godly cunning (he is after all the man to account for every possibility, save The Courier). His Securitron's would only really be able to range as far as Primm. But without having any more or the access privledges to House's private production facilities he wouldn't be able to make more. So he'd be a party pretty heavily concentrated on New Vegas (either The Strip itself or including Freeside). It's a pretty tentative situation to be Benny. Now I'm sure you could write The Courier had him crucified and somehow by chance someone decided to save him. But I'd want to see a really convincing story on how this happened. And not so much: "And X happened that had Y effects and now Benny is back and he isn't a cripple!"