[b][u]Friday, December 3rd, 2015. 1:03 am.[/u][/b] Darren Shaw Lights, Music, Atmosphere. Darren had managed to score a late night gig a couple of days ago, at a small time club called "Club Pulse" and at this moment, he was experiencing all three things that made a good night at the club to him- lights, music and atmosphere. Darren was currently playing a track created by himself, which had a slow tempo to begin with and was now slowly building to the drop. This was more mellow than most of his tracks and the club-goers in front of him were dancing at about the same pace. Darren took a swig of his cold beer beside him as he checked everything was working on his MacBook, adorned with many stickers all over the back, to his left and checked the deck to his right. Darren sidestepped over to his Akai MPC 1000 beat pad and played out the drop to his song. The crowd cheered and whooped to the song. This was going to be a really good night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Saturday, December 4th, 2015. 11:23 am.[/u][/b] Darren slowly opened his eyes as sunlight beamed through his bedroom window, he was suddenly awokened to the sound of his phone ringing out "Iron", a song by a british DJ called Calvin Harris. Without checking, Darren reached over, grabbed his phone from his bed side table and answered the call, "Hello?" He said. "Hey Darren, it's me Matt." A familiar voice said over the phone. "Oh. Hey Matt, what's going on?" Darren answered back, rubbing his face with his free hand. "Did I wake you?" "No. No, no, no. I just had a gig last night that's all." Darren answered back as he got out of bed and stretched. "Oh sweet man, how much did you get paid?" His friend Matthew asked. "Two hundred and fifty for six hours." Darren replied. "Nice man, so what you doing later tonight?" Matt asked. "Uhhhh, hang on a second." Darren said as he sidestepped to his calendar. "Nothing, why? What's happening?" He asked curiously. "Durr, the festival?" Matt leered, jokingly. "Oh, that's tonight?" Darren asked, but in his head he just answered his own question. "Yep." "You know there's going to be loads of metas going?" Darren warned. "I've got you, ain't I?" Matt joked. "Yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll be at yours for half one, sound good?" Darren asked. "See ya then." Matt said. "Bye." Darren said as he hung up and locked the phone. He checked the time- 11:30. Matt's house was an hour away walking but Darren could run there in half if he used... inventive traversal (parkour), so he carried out with his morning routine which consisted of showering, brushing his teeth, getting dressed (today Darren chose dark blue boot cut jeans, a white t-shirt completely covered in tribal patterns and a navy blue zip-up hoodie) and having breakfast which took him about an hour. 30 minutes to kill. Darren switched on the TV just in time to see the report about the arrest of Frost Beast. "So he did get caught." Darren said to himself. Good. There were always meta-humans mistreating their powers, so to Darren it was a good thing they had NEST. Darren flicked through the channels till 1 o' clock when he left the house. Darren was at a running pace even though to him this felt like a light jog. Darren carried on left straight from his house and cut through the park. He had to vault over a park bench which he done pretty easily. To get quickly to Matt's house, he had to hop over a wire fence which lead down to a long, straight alley. One by one, Darren alternately raised his hands and legs to climb to the top of the wire fence before vaulting over. Darren continued down the alley and when he reached the end of it, he was facing Matthew's street. He walked down the end of the street and knocked on Matthew's door. It swung open to reveal a male with blonde hair similar to Darren's age. "Hey man, good to see ya!" Matt greeted to Darren. "Yo man, how's it going?" Darren said, "Going good, you?" Matt said. "Yeah, fine mate." Darren replied. "Well come on in, make yourself at home. I'll get us some drinks." Matt offered. "Thanks dude." Darren said as he walked into the living room. It was quite spacious with a red couch, facing a fairly large TV. Darren asked for a soda when Matt asked and they joined each other on the couch. "So you coming tonight?" Matt asked. "I don't think I have a choice do I?" Darren said jokingly. "Nope." Matt replied with a grin, he switched the tv on to some cop show. "So did you hear about Frost Beast?" Matt questioned. "Yeah, got arrested didn't he?" Darren recalled. Matt confirmed his answer then surprised him with a question he never thought he'd hear. "Hey Darren, what's it like being a Meta?" He asked, still watching the TV. Darren really had to think about this one. "It's uhhhhh, a cautious life, is probably the best way to put it." Darren finally answered after about a minute. "Huh." Matt said