Bur'nak smiled "it's fine I saw that you had washed your clothes last night when I checked on you I hadn't thought about you washing your clothes". He watched her for a minute while he sat in the chair was he falling for her he wanted to make her hurt go away. " You know we don't have to do this we could just escape while everything is in chaos". He started to worry about her safety while she would be in creeds grasp. If for one second creed found out she new him creed would use her to get him. Bur'nak stood up and walked to the bed and sat at the end of it " I feel I must say this I care for you deeply Victoria and I don't want anything bad happen to you." "How is your arm?" He turned and looked at her he could see her form perfectly in the dark room which made his heart thump. Creed sat in his war tent going over maps and charts. He knew Bur'nak started this war but he had no proof of it. But a vampire attacked his men how could he get a vampire to help him. He slammed his fist on the table cursing