[b] Lucina [/b] As Lucina walked out of her meeting with the council it was Airus who approached her, she was not in the mood to be ambushed after speaking with the masters but she gave him the answers he wanted. "The masters will meet and delegate what our plan is." She sighed and found herself drifting out of the temple attempting to call up a taxi with her datapad, when the taxi showed up she left Airus with some parting words her voice maintaining the Jedi calm she lacked on Abridon. "I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet, besides this sith lord probably already slipped away." And with that she took her seat in the taxi and it took off heading towards the senate. ---------------------- [b] Vera [/b] As Vera opened up her mouth to speak again one of her aides walked in and spoke about one of the senators from Kuat being ill and the defense council. "I will go." She said and turned towards Lord Crusade. "You will come with me just in case." She told Lord Crusade her voice firm, she had to admit commanding around Lord Crusade was kind of fun it would be best to try not to get used to it. Leaving her office with the Aide in tow she walked through the halls and found herself in the room with the defense council who were just taking their seats. Taking the center seat normally reserved for the Kuati senator she looked towards the door where the people coming in to speak their mind would enter when the others were ready she spoke her voice a octave higher than usual. "Send them in." She said, straightening looking very much like a queen upon a throne.