[quote=Taaj] Agreed. My housemates made fun of me for a full week after that incident. I have vague memories of giving a female acquaintance a lapdance, crawling through a crowded room, having a really deep discussion of death with a girl I barely know, watching my now-boyfriend kiss a male friend of his, and getting a tongue shoved into my ear under a sprig of mistletoe.But most of that night is a blur. [/quote] I needed 4loko for a drink recipie of mine for new years, I tried many times but I kept screwing up the drink. Anyway, that night had only expended one of the 5 4lokos I now had. I brought them to a party about a week later and got two friends to help me out with them. I finished one, and two others were half finished. Came back in march for spring break, hung out at the same place for another party. My friend brought me to the fridge and showed me the two unopened and two unfinished 4lokos and said he wanted them gone. I had a job to do. All I really remember is locking myself in the closet.