Name:The Forsaken (Neutral Mercenary Company) Location: The Mojave Wasteland, Nevada History:The Forsaken despite having a short lived history have done much with their time. Started by a NCR colonel following a mission into Arizona gone wrong him and his unit were believed to have gone MIA. But when they resurfaced in the Mojave it was already to late for the NCR to do anything about it, to worried about protecting the dam the NCR let Colonel Willard and his small band of survivors get away. They started small but soon they gained a reputation for protecting settlements from the reaches of any faction that wished to have them, dealing with raiders, as well as clearing out giant rats and mole rats from the occasional basement. Following the second battle of Hoover dam and the Pyrrhic victory that followed Willard's group flourished, men within the legion now without a leader found themselves working side by side with the former NCR troopers. It was within this group that Willard found a second-in-command in that of a legion centurion named Gaius and it was there where the name of their group came to be. The Forsaken. Abandoned by their factions and their former homes they became a driving force for neutrality within the Mojave, taking up many outcasts with radical ideas within other factions. The NCR was not blind and they noticed the rising group of mercenaries who were seemingly undermining their efforts in the Mojave so they cracked down upon The Forsaken. Their holdings within the town of Novac were raided and many of The Forsaken fell Williard and Gaius fled with a few of their finest to a small part of the Mojave wastes not far from Jacobstown. It was here where they went silent for sometime. Five years later The Forsaken started recruiting again and they gained a respectable rise in numbers through select recruitment and struck up bargains with the Omerta's for access to guns and ammo, returning to their roots they began to help the peoples of the wasteland once more. On the sixth year they began their work, but this time they became rooted within communities within the Mojave and the NCR was faced with the decision to lose the hearts of the minds of the people by fighting The Forsaken or let them operate. They choose the latter but they did not let them operate freely instead they sent agents to infiltrate the group, most were sent back empty handed and alive but some did manage to get into the group and there they sit waiting for The Forsaken to slip up so the NCR army can once again crack down on the AWOL Colonel and his group. The Forsaken operated within the Mojave and they did so legally. And seemingly there was nothing they wouldn't do for the people, numerous raids were launched into Arizona to free slaves that were taken from families in the Mojave and due to Gaius' help legion tactics had to be changed or updated on the fly and with them fractured they just couldn't do it in time and many slaves were freed and returned to their families in the waste, basements were once again cleansed of mole rats and giant rats, and Raiders all but fled at the sight of a Forsaken patrol. Things were once again different in the Mojave wasteland but perhaps not where they should be, with the NCR watching them waiting for them to make a mistake and trying to keep peace in a broken wasteland it seems the Forsaken have been stretched thin and it's only a few key leaders who keep it from fading into the sands of the Mojave.