[hider=Agent North Carolina] Agent File [img=http://halo.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/PlayerModel.ashx?p1=0&p2=8&p3=4&p4=2&p5=1&p6=0&p7=9&p8=1] Codename: North Carolina Gender: Male Age: 25 Height: 216.4 Cm Weight: 102 Kg Specialty: Mechanic/Tactical analysis Amour Enhancement: Threat analysis and response system (Allows him to see a enemy and figure out how best to approach him. Also assist in guiding him to weapons and or areas to where odds of success are greater, a system that levels the playing field and helps him respond to enemy combatants.) Advanced Enhancement: A.I: Lambda Personality Assessment: A calm collected man, often seen fine tuning his personal Warthog. He seems to rather good with vehicles and things related to them however that would not be enough gain him a role here and thus he provides an additional service. He is very good at sizing up enemies and explain how best to deploy. However this does not make him the leader in simply gives him a shot at being one in the future. His major weakness is his soft heart, during a Op he was confronted by a child soldier, he attempted to talk the child down instead of shooting him as a result he was caught in blast of a grenade. This has yet to curve his soft heart as he then caught feeding orphans in a occupied area with his own rations. To sum it up a brilliant man who is to naive for his own good and has yet to show the strength needed to lead. [/hider]