Nice breezes within the hull of the ship; the air of life flows through the conforming, snake-like corridors that protect the Ixions who dwell within from the empty silence of space itself. The frequent atonal noise that flows through the organic corridors and chambers whom reverb and echo with the sound of hundreds of Ixions act as a breeze that comforts the spirit of every Ixion- liberating them from the paleness of a quiet universe. Four of these Ixions, with their rectangular prism bodies float through these corridors communicating harmoniously with each other. Their wriggly tendrils with smaller tentacles that sprout from the tip of their limbs constantly fluttering about with anxiety and distress, the elite caste of the Nvv-llt fleet move together to discuss the council that they have been elected by the other fleets to attend. Due to the language of the Ixions, of which tend to create messy gibberish, the four Ixions had been assigned “human” names to better relations with the council and the human factions who are well known for their genocidal tendencies. Ignac-llt, the prime elite of the group will go into the council herself. Despite the assigned pronoun, Ignac’s gender only has relevance for the tone of her voice box, and little else. Bluish and white with creme-like spiral texturing, its rectangular prism of a body with a pristine white antennae prodding out a impressive three feet emits “Why it is great that we are chosen by the gestalt communion to go to the council for we shall ensure that harmony is still maintained by the galaxy while keeping our endless watch on the council and keeping our connections with humans, who are the most harmonious aliens we know of” Another elite, naming itself Krzys=llt intercepts with his own speech, “Great yes harmonious no it is clear that while humans may hold harmony that they slowly march towards silence not assured by the technocrats and their silent order nor assured by the ari whom seek to force order upon all in their endless lies not even going into matters of the less harmonious human factions such as the GICT itself, however harmonious their confederation of five societies may be or how mutual harmony continues with the stoor, why our treaty of mutual harmony with the stoor is still among our best diplomatic successes outside of our ability to work with humans to spread galactic harmony through peacekeeping operations of which concern me as by doing so I fear we dig our own grave where our species will die alone and in the dark after being petrified by a cosmic order that threatens the cosmic symphony and the endless melody of life itself but my tendrils wiggle in bliss right now as the council no matter the result will enable our fleet to regain reputation and dignity lost after our silent war with the Nvv-Tkk fleet” Ignac herself while Krzys spoke was communicating with Elzbi to keep her sanity, but by the point Krzys mentioned the fleet, Ignac buzzed “Our war with the Nvv-tkk was harmonious that is fact how dare you call it silent we did not make silence with them we kept our harmony I assured it I assured it I made sure of it I assured it you know I did why did you call it silent when we buzzed them, we smothered them and smothered them and humiliated them far more than they did to us yet we were too silent how is this how is this how s this we did best we kill their spawn we paint asteroids with their eggs and threw them in silent chamber for forty sets of ticks straight no more no less we did no such atrocities like smothering them with foam or dropping them on powermetal hooks and dragging them around on slow spaceship or rip out attennae more than thirty times when it made logicsense to take such action and we made sure our harmony was the most melodious of all the gestalt it was and you know you know you know” Meanwhile. Krzys was communicating with Elzbi about how dissonant Ignac is, of which Krzys buzzed back to Ignac “Dissonance is what you are you think only harmony matter when too much harmony is dissonance we had our commons do what made logicsense yet you made harmony dissonance with all the foam disrupting and the silent torture you kept abusing on all the victims of your attacks when you had total authority on your ship than we all get punish for your actions as the committee assumed I too engaged in amputation procedures and leaving another elite to die alone by launching it out of airlock you see my atrocity list far short er than yours yet we all are punished the same for silence no less despite even dragging a stoor immigrant conspirator into our silent war how dare they see us silent I agree yet we too need to be less dissonant and kill more violently with less silent torture as the more we do that the more likely we get punishment with going to council to redeem ourselves where your crimes against harmony will be resolved in good blisspeak” [center]----->>!#**$$**#¡<<-----[/center] The small fleet of ships, numbering only seven in count yet imposing in their size in comparison to some of the other shops around, and far more bizarre in their design than the mundane, utilitarian ships of mankind or the technocrats yet not organic like that of the stoor. Heavily spiny, patterned in noise-like fractals that meld around the ship as a whole the large ships at first glance appear fragile- but it would turn out, that all the ornate elaborations seen when sprouting out from the core ship are but the landing gear, and little else. From the ship, coming done in a highly fractal mech with threads. Darkish hue in coloration, with multiple sets of mechanical limbs that wind out from its sides a highly abstract, holographic face projects from the "front" of the mech, Speaking from within the mech, she tells the mech "walk to the council" as she opens link with a ship outside her pod, to continue communicating with Elzbi about the concept of free will, an argument that ended up going in circles rather quickly.