Ryu didn't pay much attention to the shruiken that went zooming past him, but he did hear Momo's shout. He quickly broke of his attack, stopping himself and leaping backwards high of the ground. He landed awhile away, next to some new guy with a Suna headband. He also took notice to the opening of the waterfall. "Guess fun times over, huh. And just when things where getting exciting." Ryu sighed, but didn't lower his guard an inch, just in case Uchiha-san decided to strike from somewhere. "So I'm guessing your a Jinchuuriki as well, huh. Nice to meet you, My names Ryu, my number is 4, and as you can see, most of us are in the middle of a sparring session. Which may have to be cut short , seeing as how the entrance to the camp has been revealed." He said pointing to the waterfall.