[hider= Agent Pennsylvania] Agent File [img=http://halo.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/PlayerModel.ashx?p1=0&p2=4&p3=3&p4=3&p5=1&p6=12&p7=13&p8=10] Codename: Pennsylvania Gender: Male Age: 31 Height: 167.64cm Weight: 67kg Specialty: Explosive Ordinance Amour Enhancement: Reinforced Armor - Installed initially as a safety measure, reinforced armor plating, concussive shock padding, and overall design increase damage threshold to suit and wearer before vital damage is sustained. Advanced Enhancement: A.I: Omicron Personality Assessment: Agent displays a gross disregard for personal safety, maintenance of equipment and tools, or even for surroundings outside mission parameters. This is, from what analysis can determine, from a deeply seated belief that failure only happens to others. Past events have shown the man more than wiling to go to any means necessary to execute a task, regardless whenever morality and ethics of other agents might give them pause. Otherwise, noted as amiable and approachable off duty, to a degree that might breed distrust in some more anti social agents. Not primary leadership material under any predictable circumstances, but just smart enough to be dangerous in such a position. Do not assign to solitary jobs unless no other options are viable, lack of self preservation and on the job morality too dangerous to be left alone. [/hider]