[quote=Gisk] "Perfectly understandable, " Markus spoke up, taking a diplomatic lead with Qubus. He offered a hand to Dora, "Markus Goethe... Student. Was that other girl... an enemy? Or just unknown?" [/quote] "Hard to say," the blonde Magic Knight pondered. "She's not a regular since she knows about us, and she pulled a pretty impressive disappearing act on us, too." She turned her head towards the white creature on her shoulder. "What do you think, Qubus? Is she a Magic Knight?" "The human has not made a contract," the red-eyed being responded. "Yet it has somehow gained the powers of a Magic Knight. She is a logical impossibility, an anomaly. She must be avoided if encountered again in the future." "I knew she was bad news the moment she came to our class," Sofia said. "Sofia Bremer, student. How ya doing?" She cheerfully greeted. [quote=Damiann47] "Ancia Broker, also a student. I didn't like whoever that Julia was, knew something was off with her. Anyway I'm glad this meeting can get started now." [/quote] [quote=rusty4297] He looked around as the others began introducing themselves, and then followed suit, albeit with a quieter voice than he had used originally with the first girl. "Ryan Kane." [/quote] Marie seemed to be nervous, and had trouble introducing herself to the others. "I'm...I'm...ummm..." Sofia tried to encourage her. "Come on Marie, most people here already know your name, don't be shy~" "...Marie Schmidt. And I'm also a...student." Her eyes wandered towards the edge of the rooftop where Julia made her escape, and then looked at her feet. [quote=onenote] "Felice Mayer here!" She said cheerfully. [/quote] "Hi Felice!" Sofia greeted you. "Didn't expect to see you here, hehe!" She said with her hand to the back of her head, smiling. [quote=onenote] "It's so nice to finally meet you in person Qubus, and its nice to meet you as well Dora. Will our questions be answered now?" She asked them, already trying to pick the most important questions in her head to ask. [/quote] "Of course," Dora answered. "I don't know how much Qubus has filled you in, but I can answer questions." Qubus stretched her limbs and then jumped from Dora's shoulder. "As you all know, you have the choice to make a contract with me. I can grant a wish for each of you, and in return your magical powers will be awakened and used for destroying the evil presence in this city." The white creature looked around the group. "You all have the potential to become powerful warriors, if you only will yourselves to become one." Sofia leaned towards Ancia. "This is pretty exciting, huh?"