"So," Darrin began with an irritated tone, "you're a cat then? I don't know many humans who act like that, and a dog would be much more apologetic than that." Stumped by his knowledge, Fate was speechless as Darrin continued. "Well, regardless, sorry for bumping into you like that. I'll be on my way." Before Fate could say anything, or even exchange names with him, Darrin waltzed right by him and into the shop that Fate just left. "Alright, time to work the magic words!" Darrin exclaimed, twiddling his fingers together in front himself. With a new found enthusiasm, Darrin approached the NPC vendor and began to haggle with him. It took a little word-play and some conversating, but Darrin evenetually got the exact bow he wanted that was made to level with him at a price of just... all of his gold. To be honest it was worth it considering that this item tends to be difficult to find and actually purchase. "Thank you very much, sir. I'll come again really soon for more stuff. Next time, I'll pay you extra to make up for this," Darrin explains, as he begin to think to himself how stupid he sounds talking to an NPC like a real person. As Darrin turns around, Fate is standing at the door, staring in awe. Darrin puts two and two together and realizes that Fate watched his entire schpeel with the NPC to get this incredible item at such a price. "Cheater, you bought that item lesser than what its supposed to be, I call hax!" Fate gave the middle finger, "Wait... how did you even use hax here?" "It's a mechanic. All NPC's can be talked to like real people, so if you barter with NPC vendors, you can get even better deals. You just have to know how to deal with real people." Darrin began to think himself a teacher again explain this to Fate, and he bagan to reminisce. "If you want, being a cat and all, I could show you a few lines that would lower prices nearly anywhere you try them. What do you say? It could be my way of, I guess, appologizing for our little accident earlier." "Anything," The cat replied, letting out a sigh, "Sounds like the art of scamming to me from the explanation, but better than not learning this~ Anyways, Mr. Scammer, my name's Fate~" "Fate, huh?" Darrin seemed to be perplexed. "Interesting name for a cat. Either way, it's nice. And my name is Darrin." As Darrin finished introducing himself, they left the store and began the lessons.