This will probably be the only Original idea I post here, but it is mammoth, so I think that it kind of needs to actually be posted here. [hider=Rescue Me]Things were never supposed to end up the way they did. The fountain should have been left alone, the warning it had imprinted upon its marble frame should have been advised. “Potum de fonte et a maledicto in se vim bibentis millennii erit praeteritum.” The engraved warning meant that to drink from the fountain would lead the drinker to become cursed with darkness from millennia past. They would never be the same, not unless they could undo the nightmare that they brought to life. Medieval times, a demon no one talked about went at large after planning, quietly, from the sidelines. It planned to cover the world in darkness and make the creatures of darkness the most powerful creatures on earth. Things were terrible as this tyrant went on its power trip of terrible consequences. So many innocent people were taken and twisted into drones. The hollow shells of the innocent were called the Army of Insolence. They defied every law the demon had thought up for when it could finally come to power. They were the weakest of the dark creatures. They were impure in the eyes of the demon because it turned them. It didn’t create them. The demonic servants he created obeyed his every whim. On the drop of the dime. It was as if they were hive minded, but there were other creatures. Creatures that had their own will. They were able to control their own actions, and it was probably one of the first mistakes the demon made. The shadow sirens were the first of these created. Among the most dangerous of the demons creations, shadow sirens are primarily female. Their forms are that of shadow-like proportions. Their skin a hazy shade of black, like the shadows humans cast from light. Their eyes fierce shades of crimson, their nails like knives reaching at least a foot long on their hands. Their lips are as black as a starless, moonless night, and their hair a raven color. That’s the shadow part of their name. Siren refers to their voice. They may have a distorted appearance, but their voices are pure. They can sing, and it lures most any form of creature to them. Their food? Souls. They eat souls of those they entice. Very few creatures can resist a shadow siren call. Next, there were the tortured angels, mainly male in creation. Their wings bound by chains that come from their skin, the white feathers stained with their blood and blood from those they led to the abyss. Their eyes glimmer only with anguish, and their skin pale. The only creature the demon created to completely embarrass human beliefs. It was to show that even angels could be tied down and have no one to watch over them. Their wings did not function and could only be unbound by something with as great of power as the demon that created them. Their souls were tortured in creation, making them vicious and cruel. They seem to have been hive-minded as well, but it was not the case. Fear fueled them to stay with the demon, and it was courage that could break them from its bounds. The veiled guardians were the demon’s proudest sire. The statuesque beings were molded as perfect beings. Just toned right, just enough color, just enough of everything. The feminine side of them could stand just about five and a half feet tall in almost human like forms. Their legs were long, their feminine features not too large or small, and they wore black clothing that covered their chests and skirts that reached the ground, but slits high up to their thighs. Their hair was raven black and their skin like bronze, just not as shiny. They have permanent veils that cover all but their foreheads and eyes, their bangs falling over their foreheads. Their eyes were the color of the moon on the darkest nights. Male veiled guardians have the same skin and eye colors as the female side of their race. Able to be six and a half feet tall, the male veiled guardians were well built and wear armor made from dragon scales, painted to look light a starless night, and their permanent veils covered from the bridge of their nose to their necks. They are the pampered creatures. They could get whatever they wanted from the demon and were the only race to stay completely loyal to it. Many other creatures were created by the demon, but little did it know that there was a war brewing against it. There was a witch who foresaw the darkness and knew that she would need to seal away this demon, forever, otherwise the world would succumb to its ways of darkness and it would severely upset the balance of nature. She enlisted the help of natural abominations. The vampires, the lycanthropes, the fallen angels, and many other creatures. They formed an army to fight the demon, but first the witch would try reason. She went to the Catacombs of Abyss, the demon’s known lair, where she came across the first three creatures. The shadow sirens, the tortured angels, and the veiled guardians. Able to turn the tortured angels and nearly half of the shadow sirens against their creator, and in return she offered them the ability to be BEAUTIFUL. The idea of being beautiful struck the shadow sirens most, but the idea of freedom brought every last tortured angel to the side of the witch. The witch knew that the demon would never agree to her terms, so the war began. The side of natural balance against the side of certain darkness. It was a long fought war, taking nearly 50 years before the witch was finally able to seal the demon’s spirit into the Fountain of Forgotten Tears. The witch placed the inscription upon it and placed it in the abandoned castle she sought refuge in to keep an eye on it. For nearly half a millennium the Fountain remained untouched. For nearly half a millennium the demon remained locked away. Bringing us up to modern times, the year 2012. The year the world was supposed to end. A Senior class takes their senior trip to backpack across Europe where they come to this abandoned castle turned museum. Leave to teenagers, naïve teenagers, to get off their group and go into a restricted area. They found the Fountain of Forgotten Tears. The demon’s resting place was being stared at by stupid teenagers that could probably grant it freedom. Ignoring the inscription they couldn’t read, the teenagers took a drink and the demon was freed. However, the witch had a failsafe and time turned back to the war between the demon and her. Now the teenagers, now changed into one of the races, have to make things right or lose the reality they came from forever. Will they be able to? Only their actions will tell their tale…[/hider]