Time 7:30 pm The Observer Cleared the Desk his arm pushing everything not important onto the floor. Now laying on the table was a small book. a notebook. Filled inside was knowledge of events that the observer had witnessed. Recorded. all for his singular purposes of killing everyone. Now his eyes lay on a single page. He had gotten word of the So called Russian Sleep experiment and the gas they had used. But all canisters had been destroyed when it had been deemed a failure by the Russian government except one. Which was held by one of the scientists that defected. Encase it was ever needed in the future. The man died a couple of months ago. The notebook was closed at the sound of a rat moving the corner. The observer disappeared from the room and reappeared on the roof Through the large crack that was in the rundown house. neither the Observer nor anyone else (hopefully) knew of the Scientist Whereabouts. So alias Today was looking to be a long nights work. The observer moved to the next house ready to frisk it and hopefully it would be over before That runt got to him. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fenrir ripped the throat out of the middle aged man whose shotgun Fell to the floor with a clatter the senile fool thought it would be smart to Point the gun at him when all he asked 'Politely' for everything the old geezer had But no The stupid twat had to be over protective of his stuff. neither the less Fenrir helped himself to the old mans shotgun. It was a rusty old thing but it would do for killing. at least For now. Flexing his fingers Fenrir reached into the pocket of his coat where a phone lay. he stared at it for a moment It had one number. but he didn't need that bastards help. Not yet. anyway Fenrir pocketed the phone carefully. then Fenrir spoke in a raspy voice. when he had taken the last of the stuff "Tonight... The runner stops running anymore"