Relieved that Asahina had not been affiliated with the Empire by choice, Alem listened to her short explanation of who they were to her and why she was being hunted. Taken by force, placed into some kind of construct for the Empire’s purposes, and unable to halt the pain that would follow. Alem’s jaw tensed but he remained silent as she dressed herself. He had to consider his options now that he knew the Empire was going to hunt her down here. He could take her out of Agrabah, but the Empire would just force their will on everyone here while he was absent. Abandoning those that will come under fire was not going to happen. Thinking about who might risk themselves to help keep her safe, the man had ultimately decided that involving others was not going to be ideal until he had no other options left. He had a home to the far west of Agrabah, located in a neighborhood far more pleasant than this place. It would do. Once she had emerged, Alem took his cloak in hand and had gone back through where she had changed, retrieving his dagger and securing it behind his waist. He hesitated when it came to donning the cloak once again, and on further examination of Asahina he deemed it silly to let her go out so carefree. Her comfort in clothing was important, but as long as she appeared like that it was better to keep her hidden. [b]“Here,”[/b] Alem returned the cloak to her. [b]“Until your appearance changes, we cannot let anyone see you as you are. Use the hood, keep your features as hidden as possible underneath.”[/b] He instructed. Guiding her outside to Aseela, Alem gestured towards her, implying that she would be riding her. At first Aseela was nervous, but with Alem’s guidance and surprising strength for a slim young man, Asahina was atop Aseela. Alem had begun to guide Aseela himself to the far west of the city, staying at the farthest perimeter possible to avoid imperial patrols or suspicious eyes. The question she had raised him had gone unanswered. Already going through great lengths to assist her, his name seemed like such a small potential consequence. What was a name going to give her, other than the proper means of expressing gratitude? [b]“Alem.”[/b] He replied plainly, going no further than this. Maintaining his silence for a short minute, he stopped in his tracks and looked towards the north, facing the palace in the distance. He was beginning to hear shouts of panic drawing closer, and the only reason he had not accelerated towards the noise was because he had noticed the sounds drawing towards them. Had that woman, Ryoko, made her move this soon? [b]“…Can you fight?”[/b] Alem asked her, stepping between Aseela and whatever was drawing close. This street was empty, so he could be thankful that no one would be caught up in this should a fight break out. ~-~ Lin had learned something new today. Her cheeks blushed slightly at Shizuka’s explanation, feeling a little silly for not understanding the lingo properly. Rats were filthy creatures, and people who told others of things they shouldn’t have were filthy themselves? The more she thought about it, the more it made sense, and she had grinned widely at this new wealth of knowledge she could apply in the future. Learning the lingo of other worlds was essential in becoming the best she could be. Turning her wide smile to Shizuka, the Chinese girl giggled quietly and nodded her head in agreement. [b]“I don’t do much, it’s a little something they make back home. It only felt right I applied it to my hair before I left, that way I can remember it through the scent!”[/b] she explained. Lin wanted to be a brave and legendary hero, but she wanted to remember the place she was born and the amazing people she was leaving behind to do everything. With that settled, she allowed the others to finish processing the terms and conditions of this new partnership. [b]“Considering what I am offering you without demanding you pay me in advance, I’d say I am being more than fair. You are being a little ungrateful, no?”[/b] Okal told Ace, his friendly demeanor waning at Ace’s mistrust. He couldn’t be blamed for being uncertain about this, but at the very same time Okal was risking the stability of his entire operation for the sake of a bunch of kids. Who had the real right to be concerned here? Huffing, his friendly demeanor had returned once Shizuka had agreed to the terms and he nodded in approval. With the ladies on his side, it was only natural that the boy would come over as well, and so he did. Okal wrinkled his nose and listened with the patience of a seasoned monk, nodding his head and gently stroking his bearded chin. [b]“Factory? I’m afraid you’ve lost me on that, however if there is something they’re hiding I can guarantee you I’ll be able to find it in a short amount of time. The girl I will begin with immediately, but I know how to coax some information out of some citizens with enough coin. They trust me, I am an honest merchant after all …but not really.”[/b] Okal muttered, eyes towards the ceiling. [b]“As for patrols, I’ll return with detailed routes and formations written out. However!”[/b] Okal focused on Ace, eyes narrowed.[b] “For this to work, I suggest you learn how to talk to someone you need favors from. Caution is reasonable, but you’ll owe me far more than I’ll owe you when this is over, this I promise you. Now!”[/b] Okal extended his arms and looked to Rika.[b] “Shall we?”[/b] [b]“Yeah. Get some rest everyone, you’ll need it.”[/b] Rika nodded to the group and winked at Lin before heading upstairs, Okal following closely behind. [b]“Are you sniffing me?”[/b]Rika muttered, hearing the sharp inhales of the merchant. [b]“What? No, of course not!”[/b] Okal replied a little too enthusiastically, following after her and taking care to sniff a little quieter. The women from other worlds, they smelled so deliciously exotic! With Rika handling the business with Okal, Lin allowed her body to relax and her attention to lower. The small nap she had with Shizuka had given her enough energy to get through the operation and take care of Gavin, and with the latter safe Lin believed she could begin to get settled and find a bed. Before her attention could be put into getting some sleep, Ace had approached her just as she examined a couple of the beds, trying to decide on whether the top or bottom had suited her. Marveling at this style of bed would have to wait, as nothing like this was back in China. In spite of her fatigue, Lin managed to smile at Ace. [b]“Yes?”[/b] Ace had paused, but asked her to never change and to remain as she is. Her ability to understand human emotions was not taxed at all, as Ace was showing his concern for her so plainly that a blind man could see it. He was afraid. [b]“Things have already gotten ‘rough’, Ace. The important thing is that we don’t let it break us, because a lot of people are counting on us to save the world …err, ‘worlds’.”[/b] Lin rubbed the back of her neck shyly, finding it funny that she of all people was trying to motivate someone who was meant to lead them.[b] “If I can ask one thing from you, I’d like it if you don’t forget about people who need us. Your feelings mean a lot to me, and I hope mine mean a lot to you. Gavin was hurt, and you sort of forgot about that. I can’t be comfortable knowing someone’s in pain, it’s not in my nature.” [/b] Lin frowned, hoping that Ace would understand where she was coming from. ~-~ Rika and Okal had left the tavern, stepping outside to find a particularly patient camel that carried a small range of dishes and pots. This was, Rika figured, the camel in question before. Before talks could get underway, Rika held up a hand and had begun to listen hard. Screams, panic and scattering feet had gotten her attention. Whatever it was, it was leaving the main street and heading somewhere to the south. [b]“Get that information, I’ll be right back.”[/b] Rika muttered to Okal before racing off in the direction of that particularly noisy creature. Okal looked to his camel, and his camel looked back to him. [b]“Good going, your smell frightened her!”[/b] Okal threw up his hands in frustration.