Beau sat behind the counter drying a few plates from their lunch earlier. As he did his chores his eyes scanned the guildhall, watching each and every mage and identifying each one to himself. Laughter, shouting, jokes, insults, you name it, everything was said by his guildmates. That is how Fairy Tail was for as long as he could remember. Being unofficially a part of the guild since he was a youth and growing up around it, Beau had gotten used to the loud, rowdy sounds that filled the halls. A smile grew on his face as he chuckled to himself quietly. "What's so funny?" A voice chimed from his right. In his peripheral he noticed a glowing aura, and that only meant one person. "Nothing," Beau replied back, giving the source of the voice a giant, fake grin. "Just thinking to myself. And you're down here early, Dia. What's the occasion?" "I've got some more jobs to post up," the busty guildmaster sighed. "Lots to do you know. I have to keep myself busy somehow." "More jobs, that's good for the members. A few of them need something to do." The magician said. He took a second and thought to himself, "[i]I'm one of those people, sadly.[/i]" He watched as his sister wandered over to the job board and posted up a fresh list of jobs that were up for the taking. He hoped there was one that would be easy enough for him to do alone, he needed a quick job for some easy money as he was running a bit low. He waited at the counter, watching to see if any of the others were going to run to the board first. That's how it usually was when new jobs came in, first come first serve.