[quote=HeySeuss] Also going to point out that female characters are very much allowed, though I request that you at least do a little legwork and find out which militaries/formations in those militaries, allow females to serve as combat soldiers and so forth, if your character is going to have any combat experience. For example, the New Zealand allows women in all roles, including their SAS, the Israeli Caracal Battalion is sex-integrated and the Swedish military is entirely integrated. Do research, basically. [/quote] Yeah, Algeria is a moderately progressive Muslim state. To put things bluntly the red cross has taken issue with women's rights over there. -And although there aren't women in the combat-role of their military, [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algerian_Civil_War]they have a hyper-competent police-force since they just finished-up a massive civil-war[/url]*, and have recently promoted several female generals in their army. So not a whole lot worse than what is going-on in America or the Israeli militia when it comes to segregation. Although I'm sure some people would take offense to such a comparison. *[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Amenas_hostage_crisis#Algerian_rescue_operation]Still ongoing in some places[/url]